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Introduction to Singing Section (1:13)
How to Sing Better (10-13-2023 Workshop)
Introduction and **Printable** (2:12)
1 - The Mechanics of Singing (5:51)
2 - Registers (17:30)
3 - Vowel Sounds and Resonance (9:41)
4 - Breathing and Support (8:46)
5 - General Advice (6:23)
Conclusion - Wrap Up (4:39)
Q+A (9:40)
Singing Lessons and Exercises
How to create a warmup routine (11:53)
10 Minute Vocal Warmup session (13:26)
15 Minute Vocal Warmup session (15:58)
How the Voice Works (20:21)
Breathing and Posture (1:48)
Vocal Exercises - Female Identifying Singer (Mezzo Soprano) (25:58)
Vocal Exercises - Male Identifying Singer (Baritone) (26:33)
Downloadable vocal warmup tracks
How to work on tricky vocal passages (8:44)
How to Sing Harmony
How to Sing Harmony - Intro and **COURSE BOOK** (3:55)
Exercise -1: Harmonize in 3rds (6:27)
Exercise -2: Harmonize a 6th below (12:07)
Exercise -3: Fifth above (3:40)
Exercise -4: Vocalizing over chords (4:10)
Exercise -5: Find harmonies to an exisitng song (10:24)
Exercise -6: Learning from recordings (19:50)
Wrap Up (3:40)
Q and A (12:59)
How to learn your choir music better
How to learn your choir music better **PRINTABLE** (8:58)
November 13, 2024 - Voice Lesson Workshop: Brenda works one-on-one with members!
Introduction (7:02)
#1 - Steve: Balancing registers (16:54)
#2 - David: New singer finding his voice (15:36)
#3 - John: Finding the right key and supporting the sound (15:44)
#4 - Walter: Finding falsetto/head register on high notes (17:23)
Conclusion (9:07)
Announcements (1:59)
***How to play voice exercises on piano mini lesson*** (18:05)
Voice Lesson Advice (6:57)
A Note on Fingerings (4:39)
Exercise #1 - Five Note Scales (9:00)
Exercise #2: Five Notes Scales and Triad Outline (7:13)
Exercise #3: Broken Triads (7:03)
Exercise #4: One Octave Arpeggios (10:28)
Getting Started (8:28)
Voice Lesson Protocol (4:45)
Exercise #5: Nine Note Scales (15:38)
The Handy-Dandy Transposition Chart (3:14)
Transpose music easily with The Transposenator 3000 (4:25)
February 12 2025 - Vocal Technique workshop
Introduction to the Vocal Technique Workshop (3:00)
Working One on One with Dan - vocal exercises (23:53)
Working One on One with Walter - Stand By Me and vocal exercises (18:26)
Working One on One with Steve - O Danny Boy and vocal exercises (19:24)
Final Thoughts and Q&A (8:12)
***How to play voice exercises on piano*** (18:05)
Exercise -5: Find harmonies to an exisitng song
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